Thursday, February 10, 2011


1. It's time to say Good-bye to Sra. Dog (at The Dog Ate My Finances) and Florence at Ruminations. I've removed them both from my bloglist but please, if either of you starts a new blog, let me know. In the meantime, I'm glad you each made a final post--I get so annoyed at blogs that just peter out and fall off the radar (hmm--two cliches in the same sentence--not bad!)

2. I've rarely met a contest I didn't like, particularly when the prizes involve writing materials. Hence this note about a journal giveaway at Notebook Stories. These are elegant promotional books produced by Brandbook-de, and I want to win one of them. If you go to the website, it helps if you read German!

In four years of blogging and entering blogger giveaways, I've won exactly twice, once a book on finance and once a book from the Orange Prize list. But both were terrific, so I keep entering.


Maureen said...

I dont enter the giveaways, as it would be expensive to send anything over here to Oz.

You have reminded me I should really look through my blogroll.

Anonymous said...

I have never won :( LOL but I keep trying over and over and over


Lisa said...

I enter as many as I can.... you never know when it will be your lucky day!