Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Van Lives!

What do you know!

Apparently my van's transmission is nothing to write home about, but neither does it need to be rebuilt. A $220 repair, and I'll be good to go tomorrow.

You have no idea how relieved I am, even though I have been reading the auto ads and fantasizing about a new car. I haven't had a car payment in five years, and I'm really not in a financial place to have one now.

Murphy, of course, watched my adventures in auto mechanics, and finding only disappointment there, decided to move on to my ten-year-old TV set.

Poof! One minute I'm watching it and the next, the picture is gone.

Some would point out that this might be a good time to learn to live without a TV, but that ain't gonna happen. (Um, yeah, Ole Grace is a video addict.)

But, hey! I'd just dodged an $6000 bullet, so what's $206 for a 22 inch flat screen TV, right?

Did I read Consumer Reports? Did I check for the most quality at best price? Or did I run out in a panic and buy the first reasonably priced TV set I saw? (No prizes for figuring out the answer to that one!)

This is NOT going to be one of my better months for debt reduction.

But dang! I still have my not-so-trusty Dodge Caravan, and a brand new TV. Color Grace happy!


Living Almost Large said...

Congrats on saving the van and good job on the TV.

Sharon said...

I'm happy for you! Enjoy your new TV...isn't the picture awesome?