Well, it would take a stronger person than me to give up TV altogether. But I am going to cut back on my cable expenses. Right now I pay Comcast $72 a month for "Digital Classic" which includes everything except the premium channels (HBO, Showtime, Cinemax).
I can easily cut $4 a month by dropping back one catagory, and will do that. But I could save an additional $14 a month by cutting back two catagories. As it happens, if I do that, I will lose Bravo channel. If Bravo goes, so do two of my favorite reality shows, "Project Runway" and "Top Chef."
On one hand, $168 a year is way too much to be paying for two shows that run 8 weeks each. On the other hand, I REALLY LIKE these shows!
For those who think that any TV is a mindless distraction, please note in my defense that, in addition to TV, I am an avid reader. I also spend considerable time on the internet. I long ago stopped apologizing for my use of television as a tool of relaxation. But I don't always admit what shows I watch regularly. (Can we say "Scrubs" or "The 440?"--and don't ask about those reality shows!)
I want to save money. I want to pay down my debts. I have better places for that $18 to go each month than to the cable company for two limited-duration series.
OK--I know what I have to do. But bear with me while I whine a little first.